2 Jul 2022
7 ways to Define Your Own Success
7 Ways to Define Your Own Success
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Know what you want to achieve.
Know what you want to achieve.
It's very important that you know what your goals are, so that you can see if they're being met or not. You also need to be able to answer these questions: What is your purpose? What is your vision? How will you know when it has been achieved? And finally, what is your definition of success?
Create your own definition of success.
Create your own definition of success.
It’s time to define success for yourself, not for others. What does it mean? What are its components? What are the factors that determine whether you feel successful or not? Get clear on this and write it down in a place where you can see it every day.
What do you want out of life? Where do you want to be five years from now? Ten years from now? Write down your goals and values—and keep them somewhere visible so they’re always in front of your eyes!
1. Ask Yourself: “What Does Success Look Like?"
Ask Yourself: “What Does Success Look Like?"
Success is a subjective term and an individual journey, so it's important to define success for yourself and not worry about what other people think your definition should be. Don't worry about what other people's definition of success was or will be—chances are that their path to happiness won't look like yours anyway! If you're feeling overwhelmed or unsure about where you want to go, take the time needed to reflect on this question until you come up with an answer that feels good for you. There are no wrong answers here; only those which feel right for yourself at that moment in time.
2. Forget About What Other People May Think
Don't let other people's opinions hold you back.
Don't let other people's opinions define you.
Don't let other people's opinions make you feel bad.
Don't let other people's opinions make you feel like a failure.
3. Make a Plan
Make a plan.
Planning is the first step in achieving success. It helps you stay focused, motivated and on track. Planning also helps keep you on budget and on time.
4. Get Specific
Once you've defined the end goal that you want to achieve, it's time to get specific. This means that you should have a clear idea of what results look like when your goal is met. For example, if one of your goals is to become more organized at work, a specific result could be: "I will have my desk organized enough so I can always find what I need within five minutes."
A non-specific goal might be: "I'm going to become more organized." That's a good start, but it isn't nearly as useful as being able to see exactly how much more organized you'll be once this goal has been achieved. It's also much harder for someone else—like an employer or supervisor—to evaluate whether or not this has been accomplished and provide feedback on whether or not they agree with your assessment (and what changes may be needed).
The problem with being too specific is that it narrows things down too much and limits options for achieving success in other areas of life. If all you think about when working towards becoming better at something is getting better at one thing, then where does creativity fit into all that?
5. Make It Happen
The next step is setting a deadline for yourself. If you don’t have a deadline, the task may seem daunting and overwhelming. A deadline will help you focus on completing the task because it makes it more realistic.
If there are several steps required to complete your goal, break them into smaller tasks. This will help you stay focused on what needs to be done at each stage of reaching your goal.
Create a plan for how to achieve your goal by making a list of actions and then creating an action plan for each one of these actions/tasks. Make sure that each step has been identified and written down clearly so that nothing slips through the cracks! And finally, make sure that everything is ready before starting this project (e-mail address book etc.)
6. Ask Yourself “What Does Success Look Like?”…Again
The last piece of the puzzle is to ask yourself, "What does success look like?" You may have already done this when you wrote down your definition of success. But now it's time to dig deeper and think about what it means for you to be successful in life.
Is being successful a purely financial goal? Is it about reaching some arbitrary number on a scale or another measurement? Is it about making enough money so that you can afford things that are important for your life—like travelling or owning a home? Or do we mean something else by success, like feeling happy with who we are as people or having fulfilling relationships with our friends and family members? Whatever definition of success works best for you, don't be afraid to make changes if necessary.
In addition, don't be afraid of asking others what they think success looks like—it could help give you some more ideas on how exactly to define your own version of what makes someone truly successful (and maybe even inspire them!).
7. Don’t Give up
Persist. It’s easy to give up when you don’t see results immediately, but persistence is key to achieving your goals. Don't let setbacks discourage you or others' opinions influence your decisions.
Have a backup plan in case things don't go as planned—and then stick with it!
Remember that life isn't always fair; if someone else gets something before you do, that doesn't mean that they're better than you or deserve it more than you do.
Have the right tools in place.
You will need to have the right tools in place. Tools are important because they help you achieve your goal. For example, if you want to get your dream job and do not know where to start, there are many websites that can help you with this. These websites provide information on how to write a resume and cover letter, what jobs are out there and how much they pay, etc., which would be very useful information for someone who is looking for a job. If one were looking for such information about finding employment online I guess it might be helpful?
If you have made it this far then hopefully by now we have established that success does not come easily but neither does failure! It is difficult work with no guarantee of success at any point along the way which is why it's important that when setting goals we must also set ourselves up for success by ensuring we have all our bases covered before pursuing them full-force so as not make things harder than necessary later on down the road once we've already begun tackling them head-on."
Hold yourself accountable.
The first step to defining your own success is holding yourself accountable. You are fully and wholly responsible for your success, and if you want it badly enough, you can make it happen. Let's look at some of the ways you can hold yourself accountable:
Set goals and track your progress. It’s important to know where you are now, so that you can see how far you need to go in order to reach your destination.
Take action! This is what separates those who succeed from those who don't—those who take action get results while those who wait around never do anything at all until they're forced into it by someone else or by circumstances beyond their control.
Celebrate when things go right! It's easy to get stuck in a rut when something goes wrong; but keep in mind that every time something happens that works out well for you, celebrate it! Take time each day (even if only 5 minutes) to write down what went well today and why; this will help reinforce positive habits so that they continue happening more frequently over time as opposed to falling into old habits which weren't working anyway.
Appreciate and celebrate your progress.
We are all unique human beings, and each of us has a different route to success. The process of achieving it is just as important to your mental health as the result itself.
So when you do reach a milestone, take some time to appreciate your progress and celebrate that victory. You worked hard for this—it's okay to feel proud! But don't let yourself get too caught up in the results or let the pressure of achieving goals impact your mental health negatively. Remember: success means different things for everyone, so don't be too hard on yourself if you don't achieve yours exactly as planned (or at all).
Focus on the present moment.
The present moment is all we have. It's also all we can control. It's the only thing that directly influences our future, and it's the only thing worth focusing on when you're trying to reach a goal.
The past is over, so don't dwell on it! You've done what you could with what you had at the time, but now you need to focus on how you can change things in the future.
For example, if your business has been struggling financially for a while now and it still isn't turning around even after implementing some of these strategies… then maybe it's time for something drastic? I'm not saying this out of pessimism—I'm just saying that sometimes drastic changes are necessary when things get really tough; they might be unpleasant at first but they could very well be worthwhile long-term (if not immediately).
Success is a mindset, and you can decide what it means for you
Success is a mindset, and you can decide what it means for you. That's because your definition of success is not set in stone; it's a state of being that has more to do with how you feel about yourself than anything else. If you think success means something like having the biggest house or making millions of dollars, that's not really true success at all—it might be important to get there, but it isn't what defines you. Successful people are those who are kind to themselves, celebrate their successes (even small ones), and set goals they want to achieve every day.
In order to define your own success in this way, though, there are certain things that need to happen: You must create SMART goals for yourself—specifically ones that measure accomplishments based on time frames rather than vague notions like "becoming a better person." You need to have both short-term and long-term goals so that every day brings some sense of accomplishment or forward movement toward something bigger. Finally—and most importantly—you need to be proud of what you've done when setting these goals so many times each day (if not every hour) will make sure everything counts!